Seminars & Retreats
Power Pack Retreats & 2 hour Seminars
Recommended for: individuals and couples: dating, engaged and married
We’d love to facilitate 2-hour seminars or day-to-weekend retreats at your church, community gathering, family reunion, etc…
The topics below can be combined and tailored to meet your needs. Start with the FREE 20-Min Intro Session.
Gift of Marriage… embracing the whole package good, bad and ugly.
Marriage Expectations…managing your expectations… root, balancing act
Conflict Resolution.. accountability, steps to resolve conflict with a win-win approach, and forgiveness
Love Connection… in love, out of love, what happened, getting back to the one you love.
Trauma Identification and Healing… wounds that never healed and are destroying your home.
Currency for a Legacy… understanding how to leave an inheritance for the next generation, figurative or literal currency.
Communication in Action… words and deeds, in line, revealing hearing and listening took place.
Family of Origin… who did I marry; what happened to the one I said I Do to?
Love and Intimacy… tools and heart to connect with spouse the way they best receive love and intimacy.
Equally Yoked… value of being on the same path in day-to-day, raising children by using the same compass for life.
Personality Scope… complimenting the one you love, opposites attract.
Visions, Dreams, Reality… meeting at the round table
Personal Stressors… let’s sit and talk, soothing foot bath, walk in the park, calming voices
Children and Parenting… evaluation and tweaking, for strong kids to adults rather a single or two-parent home.
Remove the Veil… here Him say sit down servant well done.
Per-Couple Seminars
One-Pack Seminar Two-Pack Seminars Three-Pack Seminars
** Seminars available as packs or tailored for weekend retreats. We facilitate a max of three seminars per day**
Pre-Marrital/ Marriage Assessment
The online self-paced assessment reveals strengths and growth areas within the relationship. A tool to enhance closeness by assessing your positions on 12 key relationship areas in counseling sessions. Available on Zoom / Live!!!
Coaching Individual/Couple
The ideal choice if you want a personalized plan that is tailored to your goals and lifestyle, as an individual or couple. Comprehensive assessment will be used to discover and break boundaries to success. Available on Phone / Zoom !!!
Love Connection Seminars & Retreats
Designed for couple or group events: church, family reunions, etc… Explore an array of topics tailored for 1-2 hr seminars or day/weekend retreats. Ongoing support is available via comprehensive assessments and coaching. Available on Zoom / Live !!!