Frequently Asked Questions
Let’s Work Together
Can I take part in the program if my partner is not ready at this time?
Sure, we offer many resources that can help an individual explore their personal strengths and growth areas to enhance their own or relationship goals. The skills gained are beneficial no matter when explored before or after the marriage. Both partners can always come back at another time.
I heard that premarital counseling is religiously-based. My partner and I are not religious. Is Gift of Marriage coaching and counseling appropriate for us?
A lot of premarital programs are offered through the church or in a religious setting. Our PREPARE/ENRICH assessment was originally a Christian-based assessment but now offers a non-denominational version that does not focus on religion. We also offer the Gift of Marriage survey to access where to begin with coaching.
Which package do you recommend?
I recommend the Thrive package for dating and premarital couples because it allows you to go through the full assessment and cover the broadest range of topics. The Pivot package is a shorter version of the Thrive package and includes four (4) sessions covering foundational areas of the assessment. This is an incredibly versatile assessment tool, and we use it with dating, engaged, and newlywed couples.
We are interested in learning more but are not sure if the Gift of Marriage Program is the right program. Do we need to make an immediate commitment?
To ensure that Gift of Marriage is the right program for you and we are a good fit, we offer a free 15-minute introductory session. We take time during that session to get to know you, explain the process, and answer any questions you have. You are investing time and money into our sessions, and should you choose us as your premarital counselor, we want to make sure that you have the best possible experience and leave feeling like your time was well-spent. You can contact us to schedule a free introductory session.
How long does the assessment take to complete?
Couples have reported anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour, but most report in the range of 20-40 minutes to take the assessment. If you need to pause items will be saved.
What is the format of the assessment?
The assessment is ~250 questions, and the responses are on a 5-point scale, from 1 (Strongly Disagree) to 5 (Strongly Agree), with 3 as Undecided. If you answer 3 too many times, the system will prompt you to choose another answer.
Do we take the PREPARE/ENRICH assessment together?
No. Each will be sent a link to the assessment and you will take it separately. Two separate emails are required to receive the link to complete the assessment.
How long should we wait between scheduling each session?
Two to Three weeks apart, which gives you time to do the Couples Workbook that goes along with the PREPARE/ENRICH program used for assessment. The Workbook has activities and worksheets that correspond with the topics we will discuss in sessions. It is not mandatory, but couples who have done the Workbook have said they have found it a helpful supplement and a way to keep the conversation going between our sessions.
What happens if we run over or don’t finish discussing our assessment results in the Pivot or Thrive packet sessions?
If we do not finish going through the assessment in Pivot (four sessions) or Thrive (six sessions), you can schedule additional sessions. The cost of an additional 50-minute session is $90.00.
Do you provide ongoing sessions once we have completed the assessment review?
We are available as a support to couples at all stages of their relationship and encourage follow-up sessions, whether quarterly or however, often you would like to come in. If you need more intensive couples therapy, I can refer you to a therapist to help you focus on the particular issues that you would like to address.
When are payments due for services?
Assessment, Pivot and Thrive service payments are due at the onset of services of purchase via Venmo, Check or Cash.
The Gift of Marriage series and the individual life counseling sessions were amazing. The sessions helped to strengthen my marriage. It provided both practical and spiritual tools to fortify my marriage. Reviewing the responses to the survey were some times uneasy but the "truth shall set you free" and to truly be great at anything you have to do the work. I am so thankful and grateful for all the love and support you gave us. You made our union greater. The love, knowledge, time, that you poured into us was generous and selfless. We love you and look forward to the next training session. God has blessed you and your ministry and we are so thankful ❤️😊
- Charmaine -
Pre-Marrital/ Marriage Assessment
The online self-paced assessment reveals strengths and growth areas within the relationship. A tool to enhance closeness by assessing your positions on 12 key relationship areas in counseling sessions. Available on Zoom / Live!!!
Coaching Individual/Couple
The ideal choice if you want a personalized plan that is tailored to your goals and lifestyle, as an individual or couple. Comprehensive assessment will be used to discover and break boundaries to success. Available on Phone / Zoom !!!
Love Connection Seminars & Retreats
Designed for couple or group events: church, family reunions, etc… Explore an array of topics tailored for 1-2 hr seminars or day/weekend retreats. Ongoing support is available via comprehensive assessments and coaching. Available on Zoom / Live !!!